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Is Your Business Making The Most of RLS?

Designed to assist Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with financial support, the Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) can be utilised for various legitimate business purposes, including working capital and investments. It serves as a compelling incentive for business owners seeking funding for expansion.

Key features of RLS include:

👉 A diverse array of business finance options, encompassing asset finance, term loans, and invoice finance facilities. 

👉 A maximum facility amount of £2 million per business (with a maximum of £6 million per group). 

👉 Flexible term lengths, ranging from three months to six years for term loans and asset finance, and three months to three years for invoice finance. 

👉 A 70% government-backed guarantee provided to lenders against the outstanding balance of the facility. It's crucial to note that the borrower remains 100% liable for the debt. 

👉 Interest rates and fees charged by lenders may vary, but they are obligated to pass on the economic benefit of the guarantee to your business after factoring in their costs of participating in the scheme. 

👉Access to multiple schemes – businesses that availed themselves of other government schemes such as CBILS, BBLS, and RLS before June 30, 2022, are eligible to apply.

For additional details on eligibility criteria and qualifying factors, please refer to our RLS scheme page:

Alternatively if you’d rather speak to us directly, you can give us a call on 01908 429888 or email


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